When digestion of food is weak and incomplete, an accumulation of the toxic residues known as ama can occur. Ama blocks the flow of energy throughout the body, and is the basis of all disease. Therefore, eliminating ama is a major goal of Ayurvedic medicine, because toxic accumulations must be identified and cleansed from the system before steps to balance the doshas can be effective.
The de-tox diet helps promote strong digestion and prevent the accumulation of toxins. This diet is especially recommended at the turn of fall, winter, and spring. Vata types should follow the diet for one to two weeks, while Pittas may use it for up to a month. Kaphas can benefit from the diet for even longer periods, as it most closely resembles a Kapha-balancing program. But remember, your approach to this way of life should be effortless and compassionate, without a sense of strain or rigidity. If this is the case, you'll soon begin to experience tranquillity of mind and lightness of heart, together with more energy and natural enthusiasm for life.